Merton Lodge Surgery

Did you know Merton Lodge is a research active GP practice?

Did you know Merton Lodge is a research active GP practice?

We work closely with The National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) who’s purpose is to fund, enable and deliver world leading health ans social care research.

Evidence suggests that patients who receive care in research-active organisations have better health outcomes than those treated in a non-research environment.

What is research?

Research is needed for all common and rare conditions.  It is only through research that we can develop better treatments, as well as improve diagnosis, prevention, care and quality of life for everyone.

Why take part?

  • You could help improve health and social care for others, as well as give hope for future generations.
  • You might learn more about your condition.
  • Your health may be monitored more regularly.
  • You will help researchers learn important new information.

All our studies are chosen because they affect patients who are registered at the practice and live in our local area.  If you are eligible for a future study, you will be contacted to see if you would like to take part and provided with all the information you need to make a decision.

Many studies disseminate information via text message, so we wanted to make you aware that in the future you may receive information about a study from us via text message.

Please be assured that your personal information is safe and not accessed by studies teams until you decide and consent to participate in a particular study.